First on the roster is the 'boss lady' named Nala, a sultry chocolate point Siamese, with a typical aloof outlook towards staff. She adores high places, or cupboards, and can be found lounging atop of the fridge or the window sill on a sunny afternoon.

She also enjoys lying on the heating vent when the furnace kicks in, or snuggling amongst the freshly warm, dry, clothes in the dryer.
Next up is a large, very staff oriented Maine-Coon mix, named Fox. Her favorite pastime is following staff members into the bathroom and annoying them until they finally give in and brush her. Due to an unfortunate accident, she was unable to satisfactorily groom herself, so we (the staff) took over that responsibility for her, resulting in her grooming fixation.

Last but not least, the spokes-cat for the group, a diminutive, 4 lb. tri-colour Manx, called Picasso. Don't let her size fool you, when she is in full cry, you can hear her half way down the block! She likes being in the same room as her staff, but is reluctant to stoop to their level and be petted, preferring instead to head butt and rub when in need of affection...usually at two in the morning!

When this staff member goes to bed, I am accompanied by all three, Nala at my feet, Picasso glued to my leg, and Fox on the pillow by my head.
It gets a little cramped at times, and of course, once disturbed, Nala will disappear to parts unknown for the remainder of the night, only to resurface at breakfast. Fox will generally stay the night, unless one of her roommates heads for the food dish for a midnight snack. Picasso, on the other hand, will stick like glue to me the entire night. If she is disturbed too often, she will decide it's affection time, and proceed to pat my face and purr.
Unfortunately, ignoring her will not make her go away, as experience has taught me, so I take the time to appease her craving, and once settled, I drift back to sleep.
I'm sure, if they could read, they would be appalled by my indiscriminate sharing of such private details, however, for the moment at least, I'm safe from their recriminations.
I hope you have enjoyed meeting my companions, I know they are thrilled to be immortalized in print, and suitably worshiped.
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